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Ozone Therapy in China - 2000 to 2010
Micah Sallinen 01/08/2011
When I wrote my book in 2003-2004 Ozone and vetyperoksidihoidot, I will try to find it for all the information available in otsoniterapioista. Despite the comprehensive work, I found no research done in China. Only in very recent years, I have been able to find several of them.This is not surprising, since ozone therapy has arrived in China in the past decade.
Despite the novelty type of treatment spread in China has been very effective in comparison to many other countries. There are several reasons. China is traditionally a positive attitude towards various forms of treatment, and western medicine school, has not been the only real truth.
Socialist country, the pharmaceutical companies in China is quite a bit of importance of health care development. In addition, China is a major economic growth due to a lot of wealthy, so on land considerable resources to make new kinds of research.
I decided this time to write a short review carried out in China otsoniterapiasta. At the beginning of operations functions as a translator, because the latest International Journal of Ozone Therapy magazine had a short article in China performed otsoniterapiasta. The article is written by Professor Xiaofeng He, and it is translated into the following:
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Completion of the review of the decade, China otsoniterapiasta
Ten years after the fact, when the ozone therapy was performed for the first time in China in 2000. In the last decade the ozone therapy area has been significant progress. Initially it was used only in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, but now with a number of pain conditions, osteoarthritis, gynecological infections, ulcers, viral hepatitis, the treatment of cerebral infraction, etc..
At present, hundreds of hospitals have already established ozone therapy program, and work in progress according to statistics, hundreds of thousands of patients receive this therapy every year.
Of patients with cervical or lumbar herniation, treated more than 50 000 patients every year, and more than 80% of them with excellent results.
China HBV [hepatitis B virus] prevalence is very high, and the ozone-autohemoterapian power against on oral antiviral medications. Thus, patients with medicines do not work, the ozone-autohemoterapia is the best option.
Currently, many hospitals make clinical research on the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of ischemic stroke, and this area has been rapid development. Preliminary results of the study show that ozone therapy can reduce brain swelling and promoting tissue repair in the brain, which has been a new research field in the last two years.
The use of ozone therapy the treatment of tumors is still in its infancy, but the field, too, there are a few good signs. In September 2008, the China Association of ozone therapy, which was supported by a major professor Ni Jiaxiang, the world's pain management department of China Association president. The organization is headed by Professor Xiaofeng He, and to strengthen the management of liver specialist Professor Yabing Guo, orthopedic specialist, Professor Bin Yu and neurology expert Kairun Peng.
February 2009, appeared Xiaofeng Hen supplied by the book, "Ozone therapy clinical applications." It is the first professionals for ozone therapy on work in China, and it encapsulates the latest research from a number of sub-areas. The first and second annual conference has been successfully held in the organization's inception. On both occasions, the participants had more than 300 members and 288
About 30 hospital or doctor to the station has been awarded "Exemplary ozone therapy unit," or "Standardized ozone therapy unit" certificate.
At the same time, the German HUMARIES's financial support, Nanfang Hospital, HUMARES called ozone therapy training center has been set up in order to specialize and train doctors who are still novices in the field of ozone therapy. Training courses include ozone therapy washer aneurysms, liver disease, a stroke, osteoarthritis and practice of experimental animals. We believe that in the near future with other treatments, like otsoniterapiaoista benefit from the increasing number of patients.
Now, if you really want to quibble, the reality in China, has been used in ozone-at least a little before the year 2000. Xiaofeng He wrote lines Italiana Di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia magazine in 2003, the Chinese scientists started to cooperate with the Italian Osperdale Bellaria Hospital in 2000. It was just starting to back problems for ozone research in China. In any other part of the study area was made at least a little earlier, as the same year appeared the first of burns treatment of ozone research in China.
Even though I have language problems have access to that research, it would appear to have been carried out in the 1990s. would order the reader some insight into China in recent years carried out research in the ozone, I link to that end of the references of the studies carried out in China, of which I myself am aware of. I have found them from a variety of databases such as PubMed from and above all CNKI from (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and CAOD to (China Asia on Demand). In addition, some evidence has been found italiaisen Centauro site. Centauro publishes a number of scientific publications that have been published studies related to ozone therapy.
The most important of the International Journal of Ozone Therapy . Although I'm familiar with everything, almost without exception refers to my own original material, this time to acknowledge that the attached list of the studies I've read mostly only summaries. CNKI's publications do not have free access to, and because most of them are written in Chinese, I have not thought of paying them read. It is when you do not succeed otherwise than up to the compiler. attached list was a tedious assembly surprise. Haeskelen research material from the different databases and the Internet for a few times a year. So far, I ignored the Chinese studies, when they were written in Chinese. Generally, for example, the titles were translated into English, so occasionally they came across, and I was not even aware of any way the situation in China.
Then, when I'm looking for research evidence of the Chinese own databases, the number of investigations surprised me completely. They did not have about 20 songs, but the total amount of this writing, the publication had grown to 219, which is 12 font size was equivalent to nearly 16 pages of references. Because, inter alia, all I'm putting together a database otsoniterapioista Zotero-tutkimustyökaluun , I decided to add those articles in the same way.As the added articles, found many new. One-night tinkering stretched for a couple of weeks work.
That the Chinese article placement and Connecting the Zotero database was also an educational experience. It came at the same time when you solve, what kind of research is done in China right. The following Professor Hen writing showed how China has been specifically studied in the washer problems, treatment with ozone. Of all the studies to find more than half of it was different back problems associated with clinical trials. In all, they found 125, which means that the subject has been studied in China for more or less the same as in Italy, where the treatment was originally developed.
Back pain in addition to China, has also been studied in other types of pain. Osteoarthritis I found three studies. The other three were studied in a variety of neuralgia, or neuralgioita, two of which were caused by the o llut Herpes zoster infection. Tennis elbow treatment was found in one article. In addition, one clinical study dealt with the treatment of pain in general.
Xiaofeng He also mentioned that the examination of the hepatitis B virus. I found on the subject of the research carried seven in China, all of which were relatively limited in scope, ranging from case reports of up to a few tens of patient studies. A much broader variety of research has been the women's diseases. As was found in a total of 16 references.
The most researched topic was Candida yeast overgrowth, that is, usually, vaginal yeast. Since the Candida albicans yeast fungus belongs to the normal flora of the body, the symptoms of the diagnosis is difficult, and the disease generally acknowledged as the existence of anything.Maybe that is why the West has hardly appeared on the subject at the ozone therapy trials, but now the Chinese have significantly altered the situation. Unfortunately, their research on this topic has been published only in Chinese. Study is, fortunately, also available in English, and shows that the results have been invariably very good.
Wound Care one of the regions with ozone therapy has been studied widely. China managed to find five studies. Burns treatment studies found two pieces. Intestinal diseases was carried out in the individual clinical trials of irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, or ulcerative colitis. In addition to these studies found a few brief rarer diseases and even one study dentistry in the treatment of dental caries. Professor He mentioned in his article, as well as the treatment of cancer and stroke treatment with ozone. The latter I could not find published data, which is not surprising on the other hand, taking into account the studies in the early stages.Of the treatment of cancer was found in three studies, two of which dealt with lymphosarcoma and one laryngeal cancer.
In addition to clinical trials in China has been a large number of laboratory and animal testing.A big part is related to clinical trials, interim disk problems, but also to many other areas. All in all these articles I found 39 songs. In addition, the review found three pieces of types of articles, one of which is quoted above small-scale review of the situation in China. In addition, there was one article that, by contrast, was not so much to be welcomed, but in all honesty even be mentioned. Ozone Therapy is not in China has not been completely risk-free, even if the accidents are extremely rare. In an article, the description of the intervertebral disc inflammation, who was born in what is apparently the ozone is injected widespreadStreptococcus bovis infection. Even in this case, the patient fortunately mostly recovered after the surgery in a few months.
While searching the articles and added an Zotero database, I have of course note of the number of trials has become wildly in recent years. I made the appearance of articles in the adjacent diagram, which describes the find on your articles, the number of their ilmestymisvuoden. As noted, the studies in China grew wildly from 2000 to 2008. Thereafter, growth is still undoubtedly been furious, but in 2009 the articles are still being indexed, and in part of 2010, there is still a very large extent, different indexing databases. The wiring diagram on the basis of need not therefore be correct to conclude that the trial would be in China started to decline after 2008. In reality, the situation is reversed, and certainly further research is done at a greater rate than ever before.

Graph 1 Index to the Chinese ozone therapy, the number of publications according to their ilmestymisvuoden.
Appeared in the number of investigations is already quite large. On this basis, China is definitely the most important countries in the world ozone therapy. Most studies have been done in Russia, of course, remains the most significant and western science publications are the most results produced by Italian researchers. In addition, I would consider Cuba, China and Germany are still more significant ozone research country, even though the total number of studies, China is probably already gone to Cuba over. China also has the disadvantage, however, studies of diversification and the fact that only few of them have been published in international journals. Up to about 70% of China studies dealing with back pain treatment, when Cuba and Germany have become quite evenly studies from a number of areas of medicine.
But things are changing. More and more Chinese studies published in high quality international journals. At the same time studies become more diversified and no longer focus merely on the symptoms back. Just as soon as the German wedge between China Cuba as I passed, and perhaps leave behind the Russian and Italian. This may also be a small inconvenience spread of ozone therapy, as it may at the same time to be branded as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine curiosity.
Traditional Chinese medicine, when there's still much appreciated in the West despite the fact that none were reflected in many medicinal herbs as well as acupuncture, say, power is already quite widely recognized in the Western countries at least some symptoms. Otsoniterapiahan and in no case is any Chinese medicine. It comes from Europe. The oldest studies are already in the 1850's from England, and for decades the most important otsoniterapiamaa were Germany, Italy and Russia until passed by. The Chinese only visited the Italian methods and began studies in their home country. New studies are of course always welcome - it is the same where they come from.
The end, therefore, attach a list of studies in China, of which I found myself tutkimusviitteen or even the entire text from a database. The following list, however, is probably an indication only.Publications are likely to be much higher, but the Chinese-speaking any of my material is hard to find. For example, CNKI database was estimated to be 10-20 congress publications otsoniterapioista. The names of publications, abstracts, and other relevant information, however, was invariably written in Chinese, so I left them without increasing popularity, even though the compiler, it might have succeeded.
A series of papers, even the title is not written in English - let alone an abstract or full text. Naturally, I can not find any articles, even accidentally. Then there are a number of studies on the various pathogens disinfection with ozone. Disinfectant properties, is of course, medical applications, but also for industrial and hygiene, so I left my articles also adding to the list. Nevertheless, brings shows that ozone research in China is already at a high speed.
Zotero is a list of the research program through there on the basis of the information added.CNKI database does not tell the article page numbers, and if I do not find them anywhere else, I have not been able to add Zotero. Thus, the missing page numbers of Zotero automatically adds a link to the end of the reference, which can be applied to any additional information.Therefore, some of the references is followed by a link to a very CNKI the site.
Lista Kiinassa suoritetuista otsoniterapiatutkimuksista vuoteen 2010 mennessä
An, Liangmin, and Liandi Li. “[A clinical observation of combining Ozone and Adefovir to treatment for hepatitis B].” China Modern Medicine 2, no. 14 (2009).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZGUD200914010.htm.
An, Liangmin, Yabing Guo, Jie Peng, Fanyi Meng, and Fuyuan Zhou. “[Application of medical ozone in acute exacerbations of hepatitis B of 1 case of lymphoma chemotherapy].”China Modern Medicine, no. 13 (2009). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZGUD200913056.htm.
Bo, Wu, Chen Longyi, Tang Jian, Huang Guangfu, Feng Hailong, Liu Weidong, and Tan Haibin. “A pyogenic discitis at c3-c4 with associated ventral epidural abscess involving c1-c4 after intradiscal oxygen-ozone chemonucleolysis: a case report.” Spine 34, no. 8 (April 15, 2009): E298-304.
Cao, Renhui. “[C-arm-guided minimally invasive treatment of discogenic low back pain ozone].”China Modern Medicine, no. 22 (2010). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZGUD201022018.htm.
Chen, Feng-jia. “[Observing the Effect of Ozone on 132 Cases Bacterial Vaginal Diseases].”Hebei Medicine 11, no. 11 (2005). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-HCYX200511025.htm.
Chen, Lin-rong, and Mei-lian Chen. “[Comparative observation on the effect of ozone solution and conventional drugs on cervicitis].” China Tropical Medicine, no. 8 (2006).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-RDYX200608051.htm.
Chen, Ze, De-qing Zeng, and Zhong-xian Wan. “[Clinical investigation of ozone therapy in protrusion of lumber or cervical intervertebral disc].” Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine, no. 4 (2006). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-YYLC200604027.htm.
Chen, Fu-qiang, Dan Hu, Fei Shi, Ping Xie, and Dengbin Al. “[Clinical study of percutaneous injection of intradisc and intervertebral foramen with ozone to treat lumbar disc herniation].” Pain Clinic Journal, no. 2 (2007): 93-96.
Chen, Xu-qing, Zhu-qing Weng, Hai-tao Tan, Xiang-rong Pan, Kai Zhou, Min-qiang Wei, and Feng-hua Wang. “[Treatment of lumbar disk herniation with in the guidance of small C-arm guiding combined injection of ozone and collagenase].” Guangxi Medical Journal, no. 9 (2007). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-GYYX200709004.htm.
Chen, Fu-qiang, Dan Hu, and Fei Shi. “[Clinical study of percutaneous injection of intradisc and intervertebral foramen with ozone and betamethasone compound to treat lumbar disc herniation].” Journal of Cervicodynia and Lumbodynia, no. 1 (2008).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-JYTZ200801014.htm.
Chen, Zhi-yuan, Hui Chen, and Xiu-heng Liu. “[Effects of ozone oxidative preconditioning on HSP70 expression in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury].” Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery 25, no. 12 (2008): 1543-1545.
Chen, Hui, Bianzhi Xing, Xiuheng Liu, Bingyan Zhan, Jiangqiao Zhou, Hengcheng Zhu, and Zhiyuan Chen. “Similarities between ozone oxidative preconditioning and ischemic preconditioning in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury.” Archives of Medical Research 39, no. 2 (February 2008): 169-178.
Chen, Hui, Bianzhi Xing, Xiuheng Liu, Bingyan Zhan, Jiangqiao Zhou, Hengcheng Zhu, and Zhiyuan Chen. “Ozone oxidative preconditioning inhibits inflammation and apoptosis in a rat model of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury.” European Journal of Pharmacology 581, no. 3 (March 10, 2008): 306-314.
Chen, Hui, Bianzhi Xing, Xiuheng Liu, Bingyan Zhan, Jiangqiao Zhou, Hengcheng Zhu, and Zhiyuan Chen. “Ozone oxidative preconditioning protects the rat kidney from reperfusion injury: the role of nitric oxide.” The Journal of Surgical Research 149, no. 2 (October 2008): 287-295.
Chen, Wen-jun, Xiao-mei Zhao, and Hui-ping Zuo. “[Percutaneous Plasma Sword and Ozone Combine to Cure Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc].” Hebei Medicine, no. 8 (2009).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-HCYX200908010.ht.
Chen, Hui, Hua Xu, and Yang-chang Xiong. “[Advances in medical ozone].” International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation 30, no. 3 (2009): 258-261.
Cui, Feng-de, and Liang Feng. “[Percutaneous puncture and intra-disc injection of triatomic oxygen for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation].” China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, no. 3 (2006). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZGGU200603023.htm.
Deng, Bing, and Yong Zhu. “[Clinical Comparison of Ozone Injection Alone and Ozone Injection Combined with Collagenase Chemonucleolysis for Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation under CT Guidance].” Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery, no. 2 (2010). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-XDSS201002019.htm.
Deng, Liuliu, Wumao Wu, and Mei Hong. “[Efficacy of Ozonide in Maternal Perineal Incision Disinfection].” Journal of Nursing Science, no. 1 (2002).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-HLXZ200201013.htm.
Deng, Yu, Zuomei Wu, Yimin Ren, Xinchun Li, Jianxun He, Zhaokun Guan, and Zhiwei Zhong. “[Experimental pathology-MRI study of effects of medical ozone on articular cartilage].”Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering 15, no. 5 (2009): 365-370.
Fang, Jun, Lin Wang, Yu-Wen An, and Pei-Ran Zhou. “[Experimental study on the effect of injured sciatic nerves by local injection medical ozone in rats].” Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine, no. 6 (2008). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZTYZ200806017.htm.
Feng, Chuan-xue, and Guo-cang Hua. “[The observation of efficacy of medical ozone in treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia].” Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy 17, no. 13 (2010): 1736-1737.
Feng, J Y, X F He, Y Tian, and J L Wang. “Treatment of Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation by Percutaneous Injection of O2-O3 Mixture under DSA Fluoroscopic Guidance: Clinical Nursing.” International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7, no. 2 (2008): 136-138.
Fu, Zhi-jian, Nai-bao Zhou, and Tao Sun. “[Toxic effects of ozone on rat astrocytes in vitro].”Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology 29, no. 4 (2009): 340-342.
Gao, Changjun, Lixian Xu, Wei Chai, Xude Sun, Hui Zhang, and Guihe Zhang. “Amelioration of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury with intraluminal hyperoxygenated solution: studies on structural and functional changes of enterocyte mitochondria.” Journal of Surgical Research 129, no. 2 (December 2005): 298-305.
Gao, Changjun, Wei Chai, Lixian Xu, Guihe Zhang, Hui Zhang, Lichun Han, and Xude Sun. “Protective effects of hyperoxygenated solution preconditioning on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rabbits.” Journal of Surgical Research 135, no. 2 (October 2006): 268-274.
Gao, Yan-feng, Wei-dong Zhao, Hong-yu Zhang, Yi-fen Ying, and Hong-mei Li. “[A reasonable design and analysis of the therapeutic effect assessment of lumbar disc herniation treated with injection of ozone].” Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy, no. 2 (2008). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-JRYX200802011.htm.
Gao, Changjun, Xude Sun, Guihe Zhang, Hui Zhang, Hui Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Lichun Han, Lixian Xu, and Wei Chai. “Hyperoxygenated solution preconditioning attenuates lung injury induced by intestinal ischemia reperfusion in rabbits.” Journal of Surgical Research146, no. 1 (May 1, 2008): 24-31.
Gao, Changjun, Guihe Zhang, Xude Sun, Hui Zhang, Jianke Kuai, Hui Zhao, Linong Yao, et al. “The effects of intravenous hyperoxygenated solution infusion on systemic oxygenation and intrapulmonary shunt during one-lung ventilation in pigs.” The Journal of Surgical Research 159, no. 2 (April 2010): 653-659.
Geng, Keting, Chipeng Wu, and Meilian Cheng. “[Curative Effect of Ozone Liquid Vaginitis in Treatment].” Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics, no. 9 (2005).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZWZX200509009.htm.
Geng, An, Wei Wang, Qiang Ma, Li-Qiong Peng, and Zhong-Hui Liang. “[Ozone therapy combined with sulfasalazine delivered via a colon therapy system for treatment of ulcerative colitis.].” Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao = Journal of Southern Medical University 30, no. 12 (December 20, 2010): 2683-2685.
Gu, Xi-bing, Xiao-juan Yang, Hong-ying Zhu, Yue-qin Xu, and Xia-ying Liu. “Effect of medical ozone therapy on renal blood flow and renal function of patients with chronic severe hepatitis.” Chinese Medical Journal 123, no. 18 (2010): 2510-2513.
Guo, Dong-wu, and Xiang-yang Zhang. “[Study on treatment for knee osteoarthritis by medical ozone].” Gansu Medical Journal, no. 1 (2010): 10-11.
Guo, Wen-bo, Xian-guo Liu, Wei-guo Xu, Wen-quan Zhuang, Yong-hui Huang, and Jian-yong Yang. “[Analgesic effect of ozone on neuropathic pain in rats].” Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 7, no. 10 (2008): 985-987.
Han, Jincheng, Yuzuo Qin, Minqiang Fan, Jing Xu, Tao Zhang, and Canhua Zhou. “[Ozone intervention for 32 cases of lumbar intervertebral disc herination under computed tomography monitoring].” Modern Rehabilitation 11, no. 25 (2007): 5006-5007.
Han, shun-liang, Hui Liu, and Zheng-yin Liao. “[Percutaneous Ozone Intradiscal Injection to Treat Cervical Disc Herniation under CT Guidance].” West China Medical Journal, no. 6 (2008). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-HXYX200806086.htm.
He, X. “Decade Review of Ozone Therapy in China.” International Journal of Ozone Therapy 9, no. 2 (2010): 53.
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He, Xiao-feng, Zhi-jian Yu, Gao-jun Teng, Yan-hao Li, Qing-le Zeng, Yong Chen, Wei Lu, et al. “[Treatment of lumbar disc herniation by using percutaneous intradiscal and paraspinal space injection of O_2-O_3 mixture].” Chinese Journal of Radiology, no. 9 (2003).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZHGS200309018.htm.
He, X F, Z J Yu, Y H Li, W Lu, Q L Zeng, Y Cheng, W D Kong, X L Xu, L Li, and J Pen. “Percutaneous Injection of Intradiscal and Paraspinal Space with O2-O3 Mixture to Treat Lumbar Disc Herniation.” Rivista Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia 2, no. 2 (2003): 135-138.
He, Xiao-feng, Yan-hao Li, Han-wei Chen, Wei Lu, Yong Chen, Qing-le Zeng, Jian-bo Zhao, Xiao-li Xue, Jing Peng, and Peng Shen. “Intradiscal injection of O_2-O_3 to treat lumbar disc herniations: clinical therapeutic effect analysis with 600 cases.” Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy 2, no. 5 (2005).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-JRYX200505004.htm.
He, Qing, Feng Du, Tao Li, Hui Luo, Xiao Fang Lei, and Dong Liang. “Report on 602 cases of Percutaneous Ozone Puncture Chemonucleolysis Treating Lumbar Disc Protrusion.”Rivista Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia 4, no. 2 (2005): 145-148.
He, Xue-sen, Yong Li, Yi Fan, Jing-hua Liu, and Jie-qun Fang. “[Ultrasonography changes and the effects observed in ozone treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis].” Journal of Practical Medical Techniques, no. 11 (2009).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-SYYJ200911009.htm.
He, Xue-sen, Jie-qun Fang, and Yong Li. “[Ultrasound-guided application of ozone in the value of the treatment of Periarthritis humeroscapularis].” Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy 18, no. 13 (2009): 85-88.
Hua, Guo-chang. “[The Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head with Comprehensive Therapy Dominated by Medical Ozone].” International Journal of Triditional Chinese Medicine 31, no. 2 (2009): 146-147.
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Hu, Guangjian, and Xiguang Feng. “[Clinical Observation of ozone treatment for lumbar disc herniation].” Proceeding of Clinical Medicine, no. 33 (2009): 862-864.
Huang, Peng. “[Clinical observation of ozone treatment for 120 vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC) cases].” Acta Medicinae Sinica, no. 2 (2010).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-GLYX201002021.htm.
Huang, Ping, Dan Wang, Xin-hao Jiang, Qin-shi Yuan, and Yi Liu. “[Therapy of lumbar disc herniation with pereutaneous ozone injection].” Orthopedic Journal of China, no. 11 (2008): 861-863.
Huang, Xin-quan, Cong-ping Wang, and Ji-tao Yi. “[Clinical Value of Treating Cervical Vertebrae Disc Herniation with Plasma Radiofrenquency Ablation Combined with Ozone].” Journal of Hubei Institute for Nationalities (Medical Edition), no. 1 (2010).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-FBMZ201001014.htm.
Huang, Hua-jun, Bin Yu, Qing-rong Lin, Bo-wei Wang, and Hui-qiang Chen. “[Effect of ozone water on the inflammation and repair in infected wounds].” Journal of Southern Medical University 30, no. 3 (2010): 515-518.
Hu, Xing-rong, Ji-quan Zhang, and Jun Zhang. “[Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation with CT Guided Ozone Injection and Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation].” Radiologic Practice, no. 8 (2008). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-FSXS200808034.htm.
Hu, Qing, Zhi-jun Xia, Ying Zhao, and Xu Chen. “[Application of ozone water in vagina preparation before gynecological transvaginal operation].” Practical Pharmacy and Clinical Remedies 12, no. 6 (2009): 410-411.
Hu, Wei-hua, An-min Chen, Feng-jing Guo, and Feng Li. “[Efficacy of ozone combined with collagenase for lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion].” Journal of Practical Medicine, no. 2 (2010). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-SYYZ201002025.htm.
Huo, D, Y Yang, F Ao, W Dai, L Li, and Y Guo. “[Protective effect of medical ozone and Chinese medicine on acetaminophen-induced toxic hepatitis in dogs].” Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 15, no. 3 (2007): 282-286.
Jiang, Li, and Bao-sen Zheng. “[Effect of ozone on rabbit intervertebral disc cell in different concentration at different timepoints].” China Medicine 4, no. 10 (2009): 792-793.
Jiang, Tao, Shi-wu Yin, Xing-gang Ding, Yu-ping Bi, You-jin Feng, and Yan-liang Li. “[Clinical application of percutaneous oxygen-ozone injection for senile lumbar intervertebral degeneration].” Contemporary Medicine (Chinese Journal of Interveation Radiology), no. 3 (2008). http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-JRUF200803029.htm.
Jiang, Jian-wei, Qing-hua Wu, Zhen-hai Wu, Xin-sheng Li, Gang Cheng, and Chen Gu. “[Percutaneous intradiscal oxygen-ozone(O3)multipoint injection: an experimental study in conies].” Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Nanjing (Natural Science), no. 4 (2009).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-NJYK200904043.htm.
Jiao, Xiu-juan, and Xun Pehn. “[Theoretical Basis and Clinic of Medical Ozone in Therapy].”Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics 10, no. 7 (2010): 1537-1538.
Jiao, Xiu-juan, and Xun Peng. “[Clinical study of medical ozone therapy in chronic hepatitis B of 20 patients].” Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi = Zhonghua Shiyan He Linchuang Bingduxue Zazhi = Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology 22, no. 6 (December 2008): 484-485.
Kang, Jilong, Aiyue Pei, Ming Fang, Guishu Lin, and Wenzhe Jin. “[Efficacy of medical ozone tender spot injection combined with passive functional exercise on scapulohumeral periarthritis].” Clinical Medicine, no. 8 (2009).http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-EBED200908015.htm.
Li, Rui-qin. “[Spiral CT guided O3 injection for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation].” Journal of Shandong Medical College, no. 3 (2009): 204-208.
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©2010 Miika Sallinen
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